Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 13th

This is the kids quilt that lives with me!! Actually, I came across it in a basket buried under a bunch of pillows when I was looking for my GFG project last night. There are some really favorite novelty fabrics in this quilt. I taught this as a class a couple of times, and have seen it done in lots of themes, this one is still my fave. A word of caution to anyone who has this pattern, or searches it out to make it....this is the only project I've ever done where doing a swatch card for placement is a MUST unless you don't mind making yourself crazy - LOL!
Speaking of the GFG, here is a photo of how far I am on this one! Having a touch of QOCD (quilters obsessive compulsive disorder) this is a nice one for me because sometimes I can work on the flowers and then when I feel like it I can join them together. I have no idea how big this will end up being!
It is rainy and dreary outside so after I run a few errands, I'll get to spend my time in the sewing room. Hope you are all have a very enjoyable weekend.

1 comment:

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Well, that is the cutest puzzle quilt - and I am NOT going to make one. I don't need to go completely over the edge. LOL

I like the dark backgroun for the GFG - I agree - work on it in bits and pieces and before you know it - it is done.