Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5th

I love this quilt. My dear friend June had made another one using the pink breast cancer ladies for a friend and had this extra panel left so she made this one up and said she would tuck it away and hope she would never have another friend to gift it to. Then I told my story of being a 25 year survivor of breast cancer and the next day she was at my door, and gifted this to sweet!!!
Lynden is such a scenic farming town and community. The mountain was amazing yesterday and I was driving some back roads and noticing again all of our raspberry fields. We are actually the countries leading producer of raspberries, most are bought up by Ben and Jerry for their ice cream. This time of year they are so tidy and orderly.
Fields and fields of these canes. Now I notice more and more blueberry fields too. I just bought two more blueberry plants at Costco and will add those to the 5 other plants I have.
I also couldn't resist these flats of primroses!
The kids and I drove around to my small groups homes and left a few on their doorsteps. We were delivering smiles!
My PT appointment today was another episode of that deep tissue massage around my shoulder that was so painful at the time, but now it feels much looser. Had a really nice chat with this therapist about exercise and weight loss. He had some great suggestions that I plan to incorporate immediately! Will let you know how this works out.
What is stopping you RIGHT NOW from going out and taking a brisk walk?

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