On July 27th we welcomed another wonderful Templeton to the family. Genie's due date was the 29th, and when she saw her doctor on the 27th, the decision was made to give her a bit of a nudge to start labor and get that baby birthed. Carter was a big boy at birth (and still is!!) at 9 # 3 ozs and Genie had quite a long pushing phase. So they figured this baby would be plenty big enough!
I was glad to have gotten the call before the induction started, had my bag already packed and after filling my truck with gas, I hit the road about 2:00 that afternoon. The labor had progressed very nicely and she was already 6 cm when I arrived. Soon thereafter she was ready to push and after only a bit more than an hour, Henry Jefferson Templeton arrived. His shoulder was hung up on the exit for a short time, which was pretty stressful for Kyle and Genie, but all came out just fine.
You can see such a sense of relief for Genie in that photo!!
And you can see that he is starting out an ounce bigger than his "big" brother!!!
A full head of nice dark hair and a very calm demeanor. Carter is SO blonde, but Henry looks like maybe he will stay on the darker side, like his Mommy.
This hospital stay was much shorter and less eventful than Carter's birth and they were all able to go home the next day, where Henry got to meet some of his cousins and his big brother.
It's so amazing to watch this family of three become a family of four.
It will be fun to watch them grow. Their age spacing is almost exactly the same as Kyle and Jeff. Let's see if another little baby comes along in about 18 months - LOL!!!
Such a wonderful event in a family - it just thrills my heart.
Congratulations to all! What a nice post!!!
Congratulations - what a wonderful day for you all!!
How wonderful for you! The family looks very happy, as I'm sure you are too. Congratulations!
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