Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5th - #62

This is the next top to go to my LA Quilter, when she returns from her late winter runaway to warmer climes.....she is due back in early April! Talk about using up a lot of scraps!! I do love this quilt, even more now that I look at it here. It's so totally me, scrappy, bright, a bit geometric.
I need to get my backing fabric ordered, so it will be all ready to go when Carol returns. I always use a neutral colored nice flannel on the back of any quilt that is going to be next to a body. I buy 90" wide so I don't have to do any piecing, because I HATE taking time to piece a back. I do end up sewing remnants of the backing together to make an occasional backing.
I did call my doctors office today, they weren't in however. They will call me back on Monday and we'll move forward on an ultrasound on my shoulder. I just shouldn't still have this much pain in the danged thing. Last night Dutch, large orange cat I referred to yesterday, got between my feet when I was walking and just the process of throwing out my arms to catch my balance caused amazing pain....
Another great mail day today! And YEAH, two parts of the three part Amish project I have been searching for were among the treasures. And I was able to get the date for the third part and it is amongst another grouping of magazines that I have coming next week. So now I just need to find that sampler pattern, and the Christmas pattern (I think it was a kit) with the two kids on the bed and gazing out the window watching Santa and his sleigh fly by. It has been an interesting experience learning how to navigate the eBay world. And I'll be listing things for sale now that I have experienced it!
This is a counted cross stitch project I did in the late 80's that hangs in my very purple bathroom. I'll be posting some of my other CCS works here in the next few days along with the quilting things. I hope no one minds.......


Cindy said...

I like this all your scrappy ones the best. :)

Hope your shoulder improves.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Ohhh that quilt - it is beyond lovely. (Does it need a nice, welcoming home?) LOL

Hope that shoulder gets better - no fun!!

I love your x-stitch things - can't wait to see more and so happy for you that you are finding the boooks you want. Isn't ebay fun???

Julie said...

I LOVE that quilt Sharon! It is very striking. I love your cross stitch piece as well and look forward to more! This one would fit in my purple bathroom! I used to do cross stitch, now I'm using my floss for embroidery projects!

Julie said...

I forgot to say I hope your shoulder gets better. It's not fun to have that kind of pain.

Amy said...

I lOVE LOVE LOVE this quilt! Just like you said: simple, "clean lines", bright and geometric!