This was such a fun baby quilt. Another that I made for one of my Moms from the support group in Tacoma. It was a zigzag pattern, and I used so many great prints in it! Something nice and easy with half square triangles.
Today was Todd's 30th birthday. I had really planned to have a nice long post about him, with some photos, and by the end of the day I hadn't gotten them out, so I'll do that tomorrow. He is coming tomorrow to do some yard work, so I'll even get a current photo.
Getting ready for my retreat next week! I'm also still winding embroidery floss....I can't believe I don't have all the colors! A magazine I bought last week had a nice handy chart with all of them listed and so it has been great to be able to check them off. Next time they are on sale at JoAnn's or Michael's I'll probably fill in my holes.
It is so fun that sister Carol is still knitting away! I gave her a basic lesson on Saturday, and left her with needles and a large ball of yarn. She is pretty hard on herself, but she seems like she is "getting it" and maybe even enjoying it a bit! Will see on Sunday when she brings her progress to our family Easter gathering.
Today I made a trip to Value Village. This is not a usual stop for me, but I went looking for silk ties to do an egg dying process. And I bought 8 of them. While I was there I wandered through the mens and womens sweaters and picked up a couple of wool sweaters. My plan is to cut them up, restitch them into bags and felt them! Might be fun!! I'll keep you posted.
Last night I also scanned in a couple of my old photos. I figure if I do a handful every couple of days it won't be so overwhelming
This one is the most current of those I scanned. In the front on the left is darling Todd. Next to him is my niece Angela, next up is Jeff and Kyle is in the back. I think Todd and Angela must have been about 4. So Jeff was 6 and Kyle 7.
This is my kindergarten class. I'm in the front row on the far left with the pigtails. Ethan registered for kindergarten today for class starting in the fall. Krista said the counselor did an "assessment" and he did well chatting with her, identifying colors, numbers and letters. I'm just so excited for him.
Love the old photos! Will we be meeting up next week?
Wonderful pictures - the memories are grand.
The zig zag quilt is a cutie pie.
Ben doesn't register until May 3 for kindergarten - seems a bit late to me.
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