Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mission Accomplished!

It's done! My lovely small quilting group is celebrating it's birthday tomorrow. We have been meeting since June 2001 at least once monthly in each others homes. There are 12 of us so we each get a chance to be the hostess once a year. Half of us are the original 12. Our newest member has been with us for just a year now. Anyway, we decided we wanted to make a small gift for one of our "sisters" so we drew names. The task was to make a "tank topper" for the person whose name we chose. Secret drawings of course. So about the size to go on your toilet tank cover. I drew my dear friend Shirlene. She is a Thimbleberrie queen! I don't know what inspired me to do the embroidery in the center, but that is just what felt right! And of course the borders are pieced from some older Thimbleberrie fabric I had stashed away. I hope she likes it.
Right now my husband and I are watching a fabulous show on channel 9 (our PBS station). It is American Masters doing a feature on Neil Young. This is an artist that my husband introduced me to when we were in college. Well, not physically, but musically! We have seen him in concert many times and I have owned all of the albums and CD's that he did with Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young as well as his solo CD's. And I've added much of it to my iPod. Amazing artist. Every song brings such emotions out for me. When we saw a reunion tour with CSN&Y at the Tacoma Dome about 10 years ago, I spent most of the concert in tears. This was the early to mid 70's for me. Out of high school, into college, getting married, starting a family. Man......
We just recently "heard" that he has a yacht that he keeps up in Roche Harbor in the San Juan islands and occasionally even comes into Bellingham. I would definitely invite him to dinner!


Julie said...

The tank cover is very cute! Your friend will be thrilled I'm sure. What great musical memories with watching that show.

Dena said...

Your quilting friend will love the tank topper you made. I think the embroidery is the perfect touch.

Thanks for the musical memories. I love Neil Young's Harvest Gold album. My dh and I watched the Moody Blues in concert last weekend on PBS. Spectacular!

Cindy said...

Tank covers? Now that's a new one for me. Love the embroidery.